When you are considering purchasing a piece of fine art from the Internet you may be unsure of it's presentation - how it is framed, the quality of the materials, and whether or not you will really like it once you have made the purchase and it has been shipped to you. Therefore I am attaching several photos of my work and it's framing.
"Agave Royale," Oil "Hear Their Voices," Pastel "White Peony" & "Sunburst"
"Arapaho Dancer," Oil "Waiting to Dance," Pastel "Lakota Dancer," Oil
"Stormy Skies," Oil "Poppy Garden," Pastel "Hello Ground!" Pastel
"Sunset," Pastel "Crimson," Oil "Agave Aglow," Oil
"Remembering 1941," Pastel "Mi Agave," Oil "Contemplation," Pastel
"Blue Agave," Pastel "Lake Reflections," Pastel "Foxtail Agave," Oil
"Poppy Romance", Pastel "Agave Aflame" Pastel "Turquoise Sky," Pastel
"Split Second" Pastel "Portrait of Joe" Pastel "Ceremonial Beauty," Pastel
"Peony in Peach," Oil Poppy Trio," Pastel "Dancing Petals," Pastel
"Autumn at Lake San Cristobal" oil "Hull Pitcher," Pastel "White Buffalo," Pastel